News Archives

Teachers FCU shares stories from a COVID-19 hotspot

Teachers FCU shares stories from a COVID-19 hotspot

Teachers Federal Credit Union ($7.8B, Hauppauge, NY) isn’t masking its commitment to coronavirus safety. It’s handing them out. Distributing branded facemasks to members and employees is just part of the protocols in [...]

Future of banking: Physical, digital, or both?

Future of banking: Physical, digital, or both?

Recent events (global pandemic, anyone?) have been shining a spotlight on digital banking solutions in a major way. Financial institutions of all shapes and sizes have been scrambling to find new, innovative ways meet customer [...]

COVID-19 risks and reasonable cause to doubt collectibility

COVID-19 risks and reasonable cause to doubt collectibility

Because of concerns over the threat of fraud during the COVID-19 pandemic, NAFCU credit union members have asked the compliance team when the reasonable cause to doubt collectibility exception hold described in section 229.13 [...]

Is self-serve banking the new normal?

Is self-serve banking the new normal?

The current pandemic and its immediate aftermath have upended our daily lives. As social distancing measures begin to ease in some states, many of us are trying to figure out what our new normal is [...]

Settlement reached in Equifax breach lawsuit

Settlement reached in Equifax breach lawsuit

A settlement has been reached in the Equifax data breach lawsuit, of which CUNA, Leagues and credit unions are plaintiffs. CUNA filed suit against Equifax in October 2017 after a data breach that exposed the [...]

What is the job of your credit union website?

What is the job of your credit union website?

What is the job of your website? While the answer may appear obvious, it’s important that you examine this crucial question through the specific lens of the buyer’s journey. Each and every prospective [...]

Use this strategy to transform your leadership

Use this strategy to transform your leadership

As leaders, we're always searching for the magic combination of skills to motivate our teams, run our organizations efficiently, meet member/customer demands, and stay viable in competitive markets. In our pursuit of all of [...]

Be better than your bias

Be better than your bias

George Floyd, Philando Castile, Eric Garner. These are some of the names of African American men whose deaths by the hands of law enforcement were captured on video. Horrific events like the ones these men [...]