News Archives

Mid-year reassessment leads to improved outcomes

Mid-year reassessment leads to improved outcomes

Throughout history, unexpected events and significant milestones — from natural disasters and economic downturns to regulatory constraints and the advent of new technologies — have tested the financial services industry. Time after time, credit unions have adjusted [...]

CFO Focus: More on the future of floating rates

CFO Focus: More on the future of floating rates

Originally utilized in 1969, LIBOR—the London Interbank Offered Rate—was officially adopted by the British Bankers Association in 1986 as a benchmark rate and has subsequently become the global standard for the rate at [...]

What you need to launch your fintech

What you need to launch your fintech

Getting your fintech’s brand and solution in front of the right audience can be tricky. There are many steps to take with a fintech launch, but those steps require supporting marketing materials. So, if [...]

NCUA heeds NAFCU’s call to reinstate removed FOMs

NCUA heeds NAFCU’s call to reinstate removed FOMs

Following NAFCU's request Monday that the NCUA reinstate any field of membership (FOM) statements removed due to litigation related to its 2016 FOM rule, the NCUA Tuesday issued a Letter to Credit Unions saying it [...]