News Archives

5 quick mentorship tips

5 quick mentorship tips

Having a mentor is an effective and meaningful way to approach career development. Mentors can advise on ideas for getting recognition at work, short- and long-term professional goals, and leadership development. Mentorship is also an [...]

Getting buy-in for your credit union marketing

Getting buy-in for your credit union marketing

Most every marketer in a bank or credit union has struggled to get buy-in for a marketing campaign, promotion, the marketing budget, and other facets of the marketing discipline. There's an old adage, "everyone's a [...]

Senate Banking Committee advances NCUA board nominee Hauptman

Senate Banking Committee advances NCUA board nominee Hauptman

The Senate Banking Committee agreed via voice vote Wednesday to advance the nomination of Kyle Hauptman to serve on the NCUA board. Hauptman was nominated June 15 and testified before the committee July 21. Hauptman, [...]

Fed survey reveals tightening lending standards, weak demand

Fed survey reveals tightening lending standards, weak demand

The Federal Reserve's second-quarter senior loan officer opinion survey (SLOOS) revealed banks tightened standards and saw weaker demand for loans to consumers as the coronavirus pandemic continued. “Banks tightened lending standards broadly in the second [...]

Member & employee financial well-being in the new normal webinar

Member & employee financial well-being in the new normal webinar

Recently, Foundation Executive Director Gigi Hyland joined the weekly Montana Credit Unions call to discuss member and employee financial well-being in the new normal we are now facing. Below are a few highlights from her [...]

TCPA survives 1st Amendment challenge

TCPA survives 1st Amendment challenge

With each new court rule or agency guideline, the clarity of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 seems to take one step forward and two steps back. Most recently, on July 6, the U.[...]