News Archives

Registration open for virtual DE training

Registration open for virtual DE training

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to create unique challenges and shape our new normal, the DE Program is transitioning to meet credit unions where they are now. This fall, for the first time, the DE [...]

CUs: A penny for your thoughts?

CUs: A penny for your thoughts?

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, consumers are using physical currency less frequently, which has resulted in fewer coins moving through the supply chain. NAFCU member credit unions are encouraged to submit responses to this month's Economic &[...]

How to build a diverse board

How to build a diverse board

The board of directors of Seattle Credit Union ($896.4M, Seattle, WA) boasts a diverse mix of racial and ethnic groups, genders and sexual identities, and industries prevalent in the Pacific Northwest, including technology and [...]

Board succession planning checkup

Board succession planning checkup

Are you doing board succession planning? In the midst of a pandemic, it may be easy to put some things off, especially when boards and committees aren’t meeting in person. But it is important [...]

COVID-19 loan accommodations continue

COVID-19 loan accommodations continue

Happy Middle Child Day! You're not the wise elder, nor the adorable baby of the family but we still appreciate you! Speaking of appreciation, thousands of borrowers are grateful for the efforts of credit unions [...]

Knowing yourself is key

Knowing yourself is key

Aristotle famously said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Do you know your credit union or community bank? What Aristotle refers to is self-introspection. It’s the exercise of looking at yourself from [...]