News Archives

CBM extension needed to avoid litigation during recovery

CBM extension needed to avoid litigation during recovery

CUNA supports bipartisan Senate efforts to extend the Covered Business Method (CBM) review program at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), it wrote to Sens. David Perdue (R-Ga.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) Tuesday. [...]

Job gains expected to continue in coming months, NAFCU says

Job gains expected to continue in coming months, NAFCU says

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs grew by 1.4 million in the U.S. in August. NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt Long remarked on the “solid” report in [...]

Steps for post-COVID mortgage lending success

Steps for post-COVID mortgage lending success

We are living in fast-changing times. Lenders that fail to meet the changing demands of borrowers will be ill-equipped to compete for their business. While other industries have learned to deliver high levels of customer [...]

Leadership through marketing

Leadership through marketing

What is marketing? Ask a hundred people, and you will probably get a hundred different answers. A common thought is “Just send it to the Marketing Department, and they will ‘make it pretty’.” But marketing [...]

How to bring diversity to life

How to bring diversity to life

Diversity. Equality. Inclusion. (Otherwise referred to as “DEI”) It’s stand-up, speak-out, real-talk time. And on this week’s episode of Banking On Experience, Michael Murdoch of Wauna Credit Union joins CRMNEXT’s James Gilbert [...]

The key to post-pandemic success for debit

The key to post-pandemic success for debit

A seismic shift is underway when it comes to member payment preferences, particularly as it relates to debit and digital payments. Debit has seen an impressive resurgence through the pandemic, helping to reposition checking at [...]

Beyond traditional stress testing

Beyond traditional stress testing

On March 13th, a national emergency was declared in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The economic impact of the pandemic has raised questions about capital adequacy in the ongoing coronavirus crisis. Economic shutdown and stay-at-home [...]

Foundation collaborates on state level response to disasters

Foundation collaborates on state level response to disasters

The National Credit Union Foundation has been working closely with state credit union foundations and leagues, specifically with the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues, Louisiana Credit Union League, and the Cornerstone Credit Union Foundation [...]