News Archives

Great leaders ask great questions

Great leaders ask great questions

As leaders – supervisory, managerial, and executive – we are tasked with delivering results. The outcomes we are responsible for depend upon the solutions we help others create. As quickly as operations change and strategy can pause [...]

FHFA should ensure consistency during COVID recovery

FHFA should ensure consistency during COVID recovery

The Federal Housing Finance Administration (FHFA) should ensure there is consistency between the policies within their regulatory purview and the directives of Congress during the COVID-19 recovery, CUNA wrote Tuesday to the House Financial Services [...]

Berger: NAFCU stands ready to lead CUs into future

Berger: NAFCU stands ready to lead CUs into future

In an editorial published in American Banker, NAFCU president and CEO Dan Berger stressed that the association stands ready to help and lead the credit union industry into a new era of financial services amid [...]

Leadership Matters: How we build and break trust

Leadership Matters: How we build and break trust

Although many of us have had to deal at some point with a senior manager who seemed to lack morals, empathy or sincerity, the majority of organizational leaders are not compulsive liars and cheats, out [...]

Success with virtual employee onboarding

Success with virtual employee onboarding

COVID-19 has disrupted many aspects of everyday life, with one of the most notable being work environments. Financial technology providers and credit unions across the country have quickly adapted to some or all employees working [...]

HUD updates disparate impact rule

HUD updates disparate impact rule

The Fair Housing Act prohibits practices that lead to discriminatory effects, or disparate impacts, not just practices that include overt or intentional discrimination. However, it is not always clear when a practice or policy may [...]

Your credit union roadmap

Your credit union roadmap

Implementing a cloud-based document management platform is an integral part of a modern credit union’s operational infrastructure. Every day, hundreds of files flow in and out of your organization – many of which contain highly [...]