News Archives

The new normal of mortgage lending

The new normal of mortgage lending

When 2020 forced us to react to a pandemic, none of us knew how our lives would change and what our new normal would look like. The generally accepted expectation of a short stent of [...]

4 key takeaways for NCUA fidelity bond compliance

4 key takeaways for NCUA fidelity bond compliance

Last October, the NCUA rolled out policy changes that increased bond oversight responsibilities of a credit union’s board of directors. To keep your credit union informed and compliant, we’ve put together 4 main [...]

Ideas to adjust your strategic planning

Ideas to adjust your strategic planning

Strategic planning ideas are a second thought for many this year. For example, a financial institution executive was recently discussing with me the severe impacts from the pandemic: earnings are tanking, investment income is negligible, [...]

Enough is enough

Enough is enough

I gave you a brand new Ford, you said 'I want a Cadillac.' I bought you a ten dollar dinner, you said 'Thanks for the snack.' I let you live in my penthouse, [...]

CUNA supports ongoing development of FedNow 24x7x365 service

CUNA supports ongoing development of FedNow 24x7x365 service

Development of the FedNow real-time payments network is necessary, CUNA wrote to the Federal Reserve Wednesday. The Fed announced details of the 24x7x365 interbank settlement service last month. “CUNA supports the Board’s ongoing development [...]

‘You’re truly doing God’s work’

‘You’re truly doing God’s work’

As a former church missionary in Africa, NCUA Chairman Rodney Hood imagined his life’s path would follow the ministry. While his professional course veered from the church, he eventually found his true calling as [...]