News Archives


NCUA outlines CSA, CBSA application requirements

Amendments to the NCUA’s chartering and field-of-membership rules go into effect Oct. 14, NCUA Chairman Rodney Hood wrote in a letter to federal credit unions (20-FCU-03). These changes will allow a credit union applying [...]

FSOC: GSEs’ activities pose potential risk to financial system

FSOC: GSEs’ activities pose potential risk to financial system

The Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) Friday met to discuss its activity-based review of the secondary mortgage market and acknowledged that the government-sponsored enterprises' (GSEs) activities, if not mitigated, pose a risk to the financial [...]

Why credit unions need to dial up their brands

Why credit unions need to dial up their brands

Many credit unions are marketing meaningless, stale brands. Simply look at some of the brand messages credit unions push in their marketing today. One claims to be the “friendly place,” while another boasts the length [...]

What was your worst financial decision?

What was your worst financial decision?

What was your worst financial decision? Every day, the content team at Zogo works to make our app’s bite-sized lessons in personal finance one of the best financial education experiences in the industry. One [...]

Customer 360: Your portal into the digital age

Customer 360: Your portal into the digital age

Customer satisfaction is key to your bank’s lasting success. After all, unhappy customers have plenty of other places to look for personal financial products. And many do. Sixty-nine percent of customers who leave their [...]

Zooming to meet Gen Z banking needs

Zooming to meet Gen Z banking needs

Recent years have seen much discussion regarding millennials’ entry into the workforce, spending and financial maturation. But as the oldest millennials approach 40, Gen Z banking is zooming into focus for the financial services industry. [...]