News Archives

Commit to a long-term plan for excess liquidity

Commit to a long-term plan for excess liquidity

Even if your credit union had a short-term plan for managing excess liquidity that built up in the early months of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s probably time to consider long-term strategies to bolster income [...]

This time around, it’s different

This time around, it’s different

The Great Recession and COVID-19 each convulsed the American public — but in very different ways. The most obvious is the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people from a pandemic that still rages. But the [...]

Looking ahead: Holding meetings in 2021

Looking ahead: Holding meetings in 2021

Happy November! The year 2020 is drawing to a close. That does, however, leave some burning questions for 2021. No, I’m not talking about the results of tomorrow’s Presidential election. I’m talking [...]

Who is faster?

Who is faster?

I recently had a discussion with a consultant on emerging issues and regulatory trends surrounding changes in the payments’ frameworks and technology. The changes in this area are coming rapidly—particularly with a younger generation [...]

Expenses need to be cut, but not in my department

Expenses need to be cut, but not in my department

We’re all aware that 2021 could be a lean year for earnings, given that loan losses are expected to increase, the low rate environment is expected to continue, and the unknowns seem to outnumber [...]

Lessons from the 80’s for engaging members

Lessons from the 80’s for engaging members

We’re all livin’ on a prayer these days. And those 80’s jams?  Yeah, they bring back some memories (or at least some movie-inspired nostalgia for you babies out there.) Regardless, that kind of [...]

OTR, operating fee proposal will maintain fair assessments

OTR, operating fee proposal will maintain fair assessments

CUNA’s goal is to ensure a fair distribution of the charges for the supervision of credit unions, consistent with the Federal Credit Union Act, for all credit union regardless of charter type. CUNA submitted [...]

CFPB amends rule related to records, information disclosure

CFPB amends rule related to records, information disclosure

The CFPB Thursday issued a final rule to amend its Disclosure of Records and Information Regulation. In response to the bureau's request for comment on the proposed amendments in 2016, NAFCU sought clarification for the [...]

Buttoning down compliance using automation

Buttoning down compliance using automation

Regulatory compliance monitoring can be automated reliably up to a point. Technology has made it far easier for most credit unions to button down the compliance required around onboarding members and initiating loans, notes Marcus [...]

PODCAST: Build member engagement with cards

PODCAST: Build member engagement with cards

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has accelerated both the move from cash to cards, and the use of advanced card technology including contactless cards, central issuance, and instant issuance. But it hasn’t changed the need [...]