News Archives

TRACED Act commenters ‘overwhelmingly’ back CUNA position

TRACED Act commenters ‘overwhelmingly’ back CUNA position

Commenters on proposed TRACED Act regulatory amendments support CUNA’s position of retaining current exemptions, CUNA wrote to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) this week. CUNA’s comments were sent in reply to a review [...]

CUs: How would BSA recordkeeping, travel rule reg changes affect operations?

CUs: How would BSA recordkeeping, travel rule reg changes affect operations?

NAFCU sent members a Regulatory Alert Tuesday detailing the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network's (FinCEN) advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) to amend the Bank Secrecy Act's (BSA) recordkeeping and travel rule regulations. NAFCU encourages credit [...]

How to keep your credit union’s brand top of wallet

How to keep your credit union’s brand top of wallet

With more payment options available than ever before to consumers, keeping your credit union card top of wallet can be challenging in today’s competitive landscape. A standout card can strengthen your credit union’s [...]

6 ways employee experience drives the bottom line

6 ways employee experience drives the bottom line

Employee Experience—sometimes referred to as EX—is anything but a soft, abstract concept; in fact, employee experience drives the bottom line in several ways. We’re going to examine a few right now. Think [...]

Podcast: Growth and gorillas

Podcast: Growth and gorillas

What do an eight-hundred-pound gorilla and a chimpanzee have to do with fostering growth and acquisition in your financial institution’s marketing? Glad you asked! And you’ll certainly want to tune in for the [...]

An ounce of retention is worth a pound of profitability

An ounce of retention is worth a pound of profitability

Cardholder retention efforts spring to life the moment a member signs on for a credit card with your credit union. Great member service, timely communications and strategic card initiatives lead to enduring and profitable relationships [...]

Credit union-friendly 117th Congress elected

Credit union-friendly 117th Congress elected

The CUNA-League system helped to elect a credit union-friendly majority in the 117thCongress, despite a number of races not being called as of midnight (ET) Wednesday. will be updated with results of [...]