News Archives

How much capital is enough?

How much capital is enough?

When determining your optimal net-worth ratio, aim for the “roughly right” amount, says Adam Johnson, CEO/principal at c. myers corp. “There’s no one right amount for everyone,” says Johnson, who addressed the CUNA [...]

Take a walk on credit unions’ wild side

Take a walk on credit unions’ wild side

Credit union leaders, like Tiny Tim (millennials and younger, you can google this one), like to tiptoe through the tulips. We say fluffy things and regurgitate the generic credit union talking points, but we fail [...]

3 tips to maximize debit card interchange income

3 tips to maximize debit card interchange income

Debit card interchange income is one of the highest non-interest-oriented revenue streams for financial institutions. However, many institutions still don’t get the most out of their card programs. Insufficient benchmarking, sub-optimal interchange rates or [...]

How to convert members to digital during a pandemic

How to convert members to digital during a pandemic

It’s hard to identify many positive outcomes from a deadly pandemic, but enterprising credit unions are taking the opportunity to refine their digital offerings and expand their reach. Moving existing members into less-costly delivery [...]

Five essentials of strategic planning

Five essentials of strategic planning

Strategic planning is so much more than just a weekend exercise. Potentially, it could mean the difference between being run-of-the-mill or being an innovative organization forging a new path within your community. Developing a leadership [...]

CFPB, Senate leadership to define consumer credit market

CFPB, Senate leadership to define consumer credit market

Leadership of the Senate and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) will help define what a Biden administration means for Americans’ credit, CUNA Chief Advocacy Officer Ryan Donovan told CNBC Select recently. President-elect Joe Biden is [...]

NAFCU talks CU priorities with Biden-Harris transition team

NAFCU talks CU priorities with Biden-Harris transition team

As President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris prepare to take office in January, leaders of NAFCU's award-winning advocacy team discussed credit union priorities with members of the Biden-Harris transition team. NAFCU Executive Vice [...]

Data analytics: ‘Look for quick wins’

Data analytics: ‘Look for quick wins’

Data-driven consumer insights are driving today’s marketplace, led by online stalwarts such as Amazon and Walmart. But data, and the insights it provides, doesn’t have to be the domain of these monoliths, says [...]