News Archives

House, Senate committees set pandemic hearings this week

House, Senate committees set pandemic hearings this week

CUNA will be engaged with House and Senate committee hearings this week on the federal government’s response to the pandemic. The Senate Banking Committee will conduct a hearing, “The Quarterly CARES Act Report to [...]

NAFCU to policymakers: 12 key issues for immediate action

NAFCU to policymakers: 12 key issues for immediate action

As the end of the year approaches, NAFCU's government affairs team remains hard at work to secure even more wins and relief for the credit union industry. To help bolster these efforts, the association is [...]

Putting you first

Putting you first

We had everything lined up and ready to go. Our new omnichannel “YouFirst” campaign, scheduled to kick off in Q1 2020, was slick, sharp and well-planned. So much time and energy had gone into developing [...]

A compliance fellowship founder

A compliance fellowship founder

Donald Montague, CUCE, BSACS, has been a member of CUNA Compliance Community since its inception in 2015. In fact, you could make the argument that it was even earlier. "I was in a group that [...]

How to teach a credit union to catch a phish

How to teach a credit union to catch a phish

Hackers want two things: Money and personal information. The fact credit unions have access to both makes them a target for bad actors, and one way fraudsters get what they want is through phishing. Phishing [...]

The FFIEC’s take on mobile financial services

The FFIEC’s take on mobile financial services

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! For me, the passing of Thanksgiving means its finally late enough in the year to start planning out the next year. Over the next few weeks, countless [...]

Do you know what URLA stands for?

Do you know what URLA stands for?

Good morning, folks. With the holiday season officially upon us, I figure I have about a week and a half more of your attention before you go on a mental holiday from work through January [...]

Show gratitude to your people this holiday season

Show gratitude to your people this holiday season

This time of year reminds us to express our thankfulness for the good things in our lives. You might wonder, "What is there to be thankful for this year?" especially when the holiday season will [...]