News Archives

Nussle: CUs stepped up for members during pandemic

Nussle: CUs stepped up for members during pandemic

CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle appeared on the 100th episode of The CUInsight Experience podcast this week. Nussle, who was the show’s first guest in January 2019, discussed what he has seen from credit [...]

NCUA issues 2 prohibition notices in November

NCUA issues 2 prohibition notices in November

The NCUA in November issued two prohibition notices, prohibiting individuals previously associated with credit unions from any future participation in the affairs of a federally-insured financial institution. Violation of a prohibition order is a felony [...]

Passing on a cooperative legacy

Passing on a cooperative legacy

Garth Warner, CCD, has spent his entire 40-year credit union career working for $17.2 billion Servus Credit Union and its predecessor organizations in Alberta. In the 12 years since he became president/CEO, he [...]

Collections lessons learned from the pandemic

Collections lessons learned from the pandemic

This year has propelled credit unions to analyze everything with a new perspective. Face-to-face interactions with members, a cornerstone of the credit union business model, have been limited and may be permanently changed. Most credit [...]

Virtual but not alone: Lessons from 2 annual meetings

Virtual but not alone: Lessons from 2 annual meetings

Honda Federal Credit Union ($1.1B, Torrance, CA) and Partners Federal Credit Union ($2.1B, Burbank, CA) each serve a far-flung membership who work in and around production. Honda FCU’s members make cars, motorcycles, [...]

How to grow business during a pandemic

How to grow business during a pandemic

How do you grow business during a pandemic? Not to mention sinking oil prices, rising unemployment and a trade war with China. It’s enough to depress every credit union or community bank executive. As [...]

3 steps to prepare for your next exam

3 steps to prepare for your next exam

Reduce the anxiety leading up to your shop’s next exam by following a few simple steps.  Get updated about the exam procedures that have changed due to the pandemic—and don’t be afraid [...]