News Archives

Houses passes budget resolution

Houses passes budget resolution

The House passed its budget resolution Wednesday evening by a vote of 218-212. The House and Senate Budget Resolutions begin the process of Budget Reconciliation by which Congress will likely consider the next COVID-19 stimulus [...]

NAFCU counters banker attack with facts on CU tax exemption

NAFCU counters banker attack with facts on CU tax exemption

NAFCU is defending the credit union industry as bank lobbyists continue their attacks on credit unions and the industry's tax-exempt status. "For decades, credit unions have stood as pillars in their local communities and have [...]

Measure twice, convert (your core) once

Measure twice, convert (your core) once

Undertaking a core conversion is no small task, and it’s a decision no credit union takes lightly. When reading about the process and talking to peers who have lived it firsthand, it quickly becomes [...]

Using knowledge to ‘carry one another’

Using knowledge to ‘carry one another’

Brian Castle never underestimates the value of knowledge in changing lives. Castle is vice president of real estate at $63 million asset Pine Bluff (Ark.) Cotton Belt Federal Credit Union. He began his career as [...]

Offer your employees wellness benefits they’ll love

Offer your employees wellness benefits they’ll love

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, you’ve probably been seeing heart-shaped chocolates and cards everywhere you look. But, did you know that February is also American Heart Month? Your heart is an [...]

Sound practices for effective HMDA compliance

Sound practices for effective HMDA compliance

Last week, the Federal Reserve System published the latest edition of the Consumer Compliance Outlook. This issue includes an article entitled HMDA Data Collection and Reporting: Keys to an Effective Program, which outlines, among other [...]

Machine learning meets cybersecurity

Machine learning meets cybersecurity

The healthy and transformative relationship between Machine Learning (ML) and cybersecurity continues to unfold in front of our eyes. As our world becomes increasingly digital, the demand for ML and cybersecurity has peaked. We often [...]