News Archives

The power of the ‘red rubber ball’

The power of the ‘red rubber ball’

Kevin Carroll is a firm believer in the “red rubber ball.” That’s his metaphor, stemming from a difficult childhood, for the power of play and the pursuit of his personal best. We all need [...]

Banking technology 2021: What’s hot and what’s not

Banking technology 2021: What’s hot and what’s not

Urgency has a way of making things fall into place when financial institution executives might otherwise dither or go down a bypath. While COVID-19’s challenges were often met through stepped-up use of technology, the [...]

Credit where credit’s due – with Steve Ely

Credit where credit’s due – with Steve Ely

For financial institutions looking to expand their addressable market, there’s a whole lot more to potential customers than the traditional credit report…well…reports. And, with so much more data available these days, why [...]

Doing what is right starts with me

Doing what is right starts with me

An inspirational quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “The time is always right to do what is right,” led me to reflect on Lean thinking and practices within the workplace. How many times do [...]

Six steps to a stronger acquisition process

Six steps to a stronger acquisition process

According to Harvard Business Review, over 70 percent of acquisitions fail. Don’t let these statistics scare you. By taking important steps throughout the acquisition process, you can avoid common pitfalls and drive better business [...]

This fallacy could cripple your business

This fallacy could cripple your business

When you accept and respond to false dilemmas, the results could devastate your business. Unfortunately, many of us fall into this trap without even realizing it. Chalk it off to distractions, information overload, or general [...]

World Council releases 2021 Global Regulatory Update

World Council releases 2021 Global Regulatory Update

How international standard setting bodies react to the institutional stress placed on credit unions upon the withdrawal of COVID-19 relief measures will set the tone for the regulatory issues affecting cooperative finance worldwide in 2021. [...]

Saying ‘open sesame’ to open banking

Saying ‘open sesame’ to open banking

The spring buds of open banking first emerged half a dozen years ago when Europe adopted a new directive for the financial sector that included making payments safer and more secure for consumers while bolstering [...]

What should I do if I become a victim of identity theft?

What should I do if I become a victim of identity theft?

Identity theft happens when thieves fraudulently use your personal information for their own gain. These thieves may open up new lines of credit, withdraw money from your current accounts or get your tax refund, among [...]