News Archives

7 principles for growth

7 principles for growth

We're now at a place where we're starting to envision the end of the coronavirus pandemic and what life looks like after all this. As we look toward the future, I found this McKinsey article [...]

Honored to be recognized by my credit union peers

Honored to be recognized by my credit union peers

On March 1, 2021, I was inducted into the African American Credit Union Coalition (AACU) Hall of Fame. I am a native Washingtonian and 32-year veteran of the credit union industry. Currently, I serve as [...]

CUs reinvest earnings in members, communities

CUs reinvest earnings in members, communities

Congress charged credit unions with “promoting thrift … [and providing] credit for provident or productive purposes,” in 1934 and credit unions continue to fulfill this mission today, CUNA Chief Advocacy Officer Ryan Donovan wrote to all [...]

Fed holds rates with no indication of tighter policy on radar

Fed holds rates with no indication of tighter policy on radar

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Wednesday maintained the federal funds target rate at its current range of 0 to 0.25 percent. Of note, in an optimistic signal, the word "considerable" was removed from [...]

Mentoring and leadership go hand-in-hand

Mentoring and leadership go hand-in-hand

During my 45-year career in financial services, I was a mentor and a mentee many times. Taking the time to be a mentor and to be mentored was important because everyone benefitted from my doing [...]

HR leads the way in organizational efforts to scale

HR leads the way in organizational efforts to scale

Credit unions of all sizes face growing pressure to improve efficiency by increasing the scale of their operations. Scaling allows credit unions to provide essential technology to ensure a competitive member experience. It involves using [...]

Where is my reward?

Where is my reward?

Fareed Zakaria had an excellent article in the Washington Post earlier this month.  The focal point of the article underlined the notion that, from a public policy standpoint, we spend too much time thinking about [...]

Contactless took off – but it’s not too late to catch up

Contactless took off – but it’s not too late to catch up

During our recent webinar, New Contactless Payment Trends and Best Practices, we covered how contactless trends are shaping in light of accelerated contactless adoption expectations from consumers. Until 2020, we have been focusing on contactless [...]