News Archives

Can you eat your own crawfish?

Can you eat your own crawfish?

As a student at the University of Southern Mississippi, I began a love affair that has endured throughout the better part of two decades. No, the affair of which I speak was not with one [...]

5 ways to grow your credit card portfolio

5 ways to grow your credit card portfolio

Credit cards are often the best product in your loan portfolio for generating income. Competing in the payments space requires constant management of the program.  Cards should be a part of your strategic plan and [...]

CUNA shares CU improper call-blocking experiences with FCC

CUNA shares CU improper call-blocking experiences with FCC

Credit union calls were inappropriately blocked and mislabeled as spam, CUNA wrote to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Friday. CUNA’s comments were sent in response to a Public Notice soliciting comments in preparation for [...]

CFPB’s April actions: It’s raining UDAAP

CFPB’s April actions: It’s raining UDAAP

April has been a busy month for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), from delaying the debt collection and general qualified mortgage rules, to taking action against three different companies for three different violations. First, [...]

Being a more human leader with Mike Miller of CRMNEXT

Being a more human leader with Mike Miller of CRMNEXT

Being human. Sounds pretty basic, right? Like, back to the days of the cave-man basic. But, too often in business, the emphasis is put on everything but being human. And this week, on Banking on [...]

7 principles for growth

7 principles for growth

We're now at a place where we're starting to envision the end of the coronavirus pandemic and what life looks like after all this. As we look toward the future, I found this McKinsey article [...]