News Archives

CDRLF grant applications now open

CDRLF grant applications now open

The NCUA began accepting applications for Community Development Revolving Loan Fund (CDRLF) grants this week. Low-income designated credit unions can submit applications through June 26 in three categories: Digital services and cybersecurity, minority depository institution ([...]

Thinking beyond physical locations

Thinking beyond physical locations

How credit unions should reopen physical locations after the pandemic is part of a larger question, says Larry Pruss, SVP of CUESolutions Bronze provider Strategic Resource Management Inc., Memphis. That question is: “How have members [...]

Do you have an unconscionable strategy?

Do you have an unconscionable strategy?

On Exactitude in Science Jorge Luis Borges, Collected Fictions, translated by Andrew Hurley. “…In that Empire, the Art of Cartography attained such Perfection that the map of a single Province occupied the entirety of a [...]

A new approach to feedback: ‘Feedforward’

A new approach to feedback: ‘Feedforward’

I write often about how important feedback is for leaders. Whether it's to help you identify your blind spots, strengthen your team or culture, seeking advice and comments from others is an important component of [...]

3 reasons you need a will now

3 reasons you need a will now

When it comes to your money, there are a million different things you have to think about in your lifetime. Saving and budgeting are always important, but what about after that? Are your finances in [...]