News Archives

Chart your new next

Chart your new next

The indicators are everywhere. The COVID crisis, depending on your perspective, is over or at least quickly receding. The economy is mostly open or at least opening. Consumer confidence is at its highest level since [...]

Using data and insights to drive growth in banking PODCAST

Using data and insights to drive growth in banking PODCAST

Jim Marous: Hello and welcome to banking transform solutions, a new podcast that provides financial institutions insight into marketplace solutions that can help organizations for the digital banking transformation. I'm your host Jim Marous founder [...]

NAFCU to NCUA: Modernization, reforms needed to ensure healthy industry

NAFCU to NCUA: Modernization, reforms needed to ensure healthy industry

NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger wrote the NCUA Board Tuesday detailing several of the association's priorities to ensure credit unions can effectively support members recovering from the coronavirus pandemic while maintaining the integrity and [...]

How to create a compelling brand personality

How to create a compelling brand personality

If you want to win at content marketing, you need to create a compelling brand personality and deploy it across your various content platforms. While a compelling brand personality is an outgrowth of a similarly [...]

Fintech-bank hybrids are the future of banking

Fintech-bank hybrids are the future of banking

Few recent banking trends have been as well documented as the accelerated shift to digital. Accenture Research has found that the percentage of consumers who say they use mobile banking at least weekly rose from [...]

How to create a culture of volunteerism

How to create a culture of volunteerism

As communities begin to recover from the effects of COVID-19, employers and their workforces are looking for ways to make a difference. This is where corporate social responsibility comes into play. What is corporate social [...]

Regulation Z advertising management practices

Regulation Z advertising management practices

The first edition of the Fed’s Consumer Compliance Outlook has been released, with the main article addressing Regulation Z’s advertising requirements. The article explains the requirements that apply to all types of credit, [...]

3 ways to hit the reset button

3 ways to hit the reset button

You work hard during the week. By Friday afternoon, you're probably starting to feel the need to recharge. These days, if you're working from home, you may be even more exhausted than usual on Friday [...]

The quest for deposits

The quest for deposits

Several metrics superficially indicate that deposit initiatives might no longer “move the needle” for financial institutions. The recent data presented below from is striking. We have recently experienced the greatest deposit growth [...]