News Archives

Your words matter, so stop doing these 3 things

Your words matter, so stop doing these 3 things

It's easy to underestimate the power of communication. It isn't something we're aware of at all times – from our body language to our tone to our word choice, communication is almost a reflex. We hear [...]

How Gen Z and millennials differ financially

How Gen Z and millennials differ financially

Much like Captain Ahab chasing the white whale, or Don Quixote tilting at windmills, banks and credit unions spent the better part of a decade searching for what exactly Millennials wanted from a financial institution. [...]

Are your digital tools socially responsible?

Are your digital tools socially responsible?

Credit unions pride themselves on being socially responsible, and with good reason. Social responsibility is one of the nine credit union operating principles, and the movement prioritizes meaningful community involvement. But is your credit union [...]

Senators introduce bipartisan governance modernization bill

Senators introduce bipartisan governance modernization bill

Sens. Tina Smith (D-Minn.) and Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) introduced a bipartisan bill, the Credit Union Employee and Member Safety Act Thursday. The bill would update the credit union member expulsion process while ensuring a fair [...]

NAFCU, trades advise against removing arbitration protections

NAFCU, trades advise against removing arbitration protections

NAFCU joined with several other trade associations spanning various industries this week to urge lawmakers to oppose legislation that could hurt consumers, small businesses, and employees by removing arbitration provisions in private contracts. "Federal law [...]

VIDEO: The big ‘what if’ in cannabis banking

VIDEO: The big ‘what if’ in cannabis banking

Among regulators’ biggest concerns about cannabis banking is the prospect of credit unions having to divest these assets due to a changing regulatory landscape, says Doug Fagan, president/chief financial officer for $521 million asset [...]

How to go digital, stay personal

How to go digital, stay personal

1. Go digital and engage with younger generations Millennials and Generation Z are not so different: they both share the need for a financial partner that can help them organize money, while pacing with an [...]

Barbara Mahoney on leadership

Barbara Mahoney on leadership

In August 2020, after spending 13 years at Leominster Credit Union ($815.9M, Leominster, MA), John O’Brien announced he would end his nearly eight-year-stint as CEO on Nov. 30. To take the helm after [...]