News Archives

Inclusive by nature

Inclusive by nature

Royce Ngiam was well on his way to a successful career in banking when a colleague told him about credit unions a few decades back. “She said for all intents and purposes the way you [...]

How to survive a ransomware attack

How to survive a ransomware attack

Ransomware attacks are surging and becoming more dangerous as cybercriminals activate double extortion schemes that threaten both data encryption and publishing of confidential information. To combat Ransomware 2.0, organizations must be educated, deploy appropriate [...]

Blowing up the silos of digital strategy with Bill Snider

Blowing up the silos of digital strategy with Bill Snider

Ah the siloed digital strategy… If you’re still clinging to this defective little dinosaur, might we suggest — just cut it out already! To help you do just that, Bill Snider, VP of Digital Marketing [...]

Should you offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?

Should you offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)?

If you didn’t already know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month. This focus on mental health awareness opens the discussion for why companies should consider offering an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). An EAP provides [...]

The NCUA board’s emerging redesign

The NCUA board’s emerging redesign

Since Todd Harper moved from a minority board member to chair in February, board members have become more vital in overseeing agency activities.  Their increasing dialogue and comments at public meetings, if followed through, could [...]

Wondering what to do with all your deposits?

Wondering what to do with all your deposits?

I was talking with the CEO of a credit union this last week, and he remarked on how much the influx of deposits had driven down their net worth. We have heard about similar challenges [...]

District court dismisses MLA class action lawsuit

District court dismisses MLA class action lawsuit

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia last week dismissed a class action lawsuit related to the Military Lending Act's (MLA) exception for motor vehicles. Among the points in the decision, [...]