News Archives

Case study: Financial Plus Credit Union

Case study: Financial Plus Credit Union

In today’s market, there is an increased demand for a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platform as more companies are exposed to vulnerabilities, attacks, criminals, and other cybersecurity threats. According to Verizon’s [...]

The new innovation imperative

The new innovation imperative

In the last 18 months, credit unions have embodied the adage, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” After the pandemic was declared and George Floyd was murdered in early 2020, credit unions responded by reinventing [...]

‘Disruptive’ changes to FCRA could impact financial access

‘Disruptive’ changes to FCRA could impact financial access

While the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) should be examined for necessary amendments and modernized, CUNA has concerns about the negative impact that could result from “well-intentioned but overly disruptive changes to the system. CUNA [...]

CFPB supervisory highlights showcase wide range of violations

CFPB supervisory highlights showcase wide range of violations

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today issued a report highlighting legal violations from the agency's 2020 examinations. The agency issued $124 million in remediation and civil money penalties as a result of its 2020 [...]

The impact of COVID-19 on risk management

The impact of COVID-19 on risk management

No event has illustrated the importance of having a formal enterprise risk management program more than the COVID-19 pandemic of the past year and a half. “The initial impact of the pandemic was huge and [...]

How to retain good staff when turnover is high

How to retain good staff when turnover is high

“Our credit union is understaffed. We just can’t find enough people!” If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard that statement from credit union leaders over the past few months, I’[...]

New players, new games

New players, new games

Most never expected that a service as ubiquitous as the taxi would be struggling against external competition. Now we know that ride-sharing apps and other unexpected competitors have appeared and compromised what was once a [...]

One more step

One more step

As many of you are aware, WOCCU advocates strongly for proportionality to be included in every international standard so that rulebooks can be tailored appropriately for credit unions and that our operating model is adequately [...]

Help members maximize their saving strategy with an HSA

Help members maximize their saving strategy with an HSA

With multiple tax-advantaged savings options available, your credit union members may often wonder where to defer their money when saving for the future. Sure, there’s the 401(k) plan—or another type of employer-sponsored [...]

Why cloud data management and automation go hand in hand

Why cloud data management and automation go hand in hand

The cloud has given businesses of all sizes a flexible, more cost-effective, and even more secure and reliable way to manage their enterprise technology and ever-growing data. Not only does moving your computing environment and [...]

How reviews can help your credit union find new members

How reviews can help your credit union find new members

Your online reputation matters. And if potential members are reading online reviews that don’t accurately reflect the customer experience you provide your existing members, you’re likely losing to the competition. Over 90% of [...]