News Archives

Vehicle sales tumble in June

Vehicle sales tumble in June

Total vehicle sales fell from 17 million annualized units to 15.4 million annualized units in June, with monthly sales levels up 18 percent year over year. NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research [...]

The likability factor

The likability factor

Tim Sanders wrote about the importance of increasing your organization’s “likeability factor” in his book by the same name. In the book, he writes, “Our nation is so focused on efficiency and productivity that [...]

How DEI can transform workplace culture – Part I

How DEI can transform workplace culture – Part I

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is a complex movement that, in many ways, is bigger than us, and we are constantly acquiring new information that challenges our assumptions and helps guide us forward. To highlight [...]

Personalization: Top banking trend for 2021

Personalization: Top banking trend for 2021

Chief Product Officer and Head of Customer Experience and Digital for Chase, Allison Beer, stated in a recent article that personalization is one of the top primary trends for 2021 in banking, among automation and [...]

Defining cannabis customers

Defining cannabis customers

With the growth of legal medical and recreational cannabis programs across the U.S., a well-developed playbook has emerged which can help financial institutions bank the cannabis industry more efficiently and effectively. A key component [...]

Credit union trends relative to brand

Credit union trends relative to brand

Our Design Directory Jenny Bengeult joins Kelly Hellickson and Hilary Reed at EmpowerFion their podcast The Speakeasy for a series of three episodes on credit union trends relative to employees, brand, and workplaces. In the [...]

CUNA white paper details state of small credit unions

CUNA white paper details state of small credit unions

CUNA’s Small Credit Union Committee published a comprehensive white paper Tuesday examining the key opportunities and challenges facing small credit unions. The State of Small Credit Unions Today outlines how cross-industry support can lead [...]

Solid June jobs report in line with expectations

Solid June jobs report in line with expectations

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported non-farm payrolls increased by 850,000 in June, and the unemployment rate rose slightly to 5.9 percent. NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt Long analyzed [...]

What can credit unions learn from regulators? (Part 1)

What can credit unions learn from regulators? (Part 1)

The credit union regulatory environment is intended to provide safety and soundness to a movement that has nearly $2 trillion in assets and more than 125 million member-owners. For credit union leaders, compliance is a [...]