News Archives

Credit unions share advocacy strategies during PGN meeting

Credit unions share advocacy strategies during PGN meeting

CUNA hosted the quarterly meeting of its Political and Grassroots Network (PGN) Thursday, highlighting CUNA’s advocacy work and featuring input from credit unions around the country. CUNA staff gave details on CUNA’s recent [...]

Sustainability spurs industrywide action at UNFCU

Sustainability spurs industrywide action at UNFCU

United Nations FCU ($7.0B, Long Island City, NY) established its Global Sustainability Program (GSP) in 2015. Modeled after its sponsor’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the credit union’s program tied eight sustainable [...]

Adding select groups to your field of membership

Adding select groups to your field of membership

When a credit union is formed, its field of membership is set by its charter. However, with the right application, a credit union can amend its charter and expand its field of membership. Section 5 [...]

Build great leaders through volunteerism

Build great leaders through volunteerism

What makes a great leader? Some traits that come to mind might be decisiveness, confidence, empathy, and the ability to motivate a team. No matter the traits, each skill is gained through practical experience, and, [...]

Influence in the workplace

Influence in the workplace

Having influence in the workplace is a way to see your ideas turn into action. The one thing people often overlook is that anyone can be influential in the workplace, no matter the position they [...]