News Archives

Not all change is the same

Not all change is the same

How often do you hear advice suggesting you “make a change” or “step out of your comfort zone”? There’s a reason...consistency might be easier, safer, and reliable, but it doesn’t promote growth. [...]

Driving branch traffic in a digital world

Driving branch traffic in a digital world

Banking technology is improving by the day and digital adoption rates are skyrocketing after the pandemic. Are we headed for a future where all transactions will be digital and branches will close? Nope! People still [...]

How to pay your bills when you can’t work

How to pay your bills when you can’t work

Life is unpredictable. One moment you’re healthy and active, and the next moment an accident or illness strikes unexpectedly and you’re not — a reality many people have recently experienced firsthand during the COVID-19 [...]

Why we need criticism

Why we need criticism

We all have blind spots that hinder performance and keep us from achieving our goals.  Blind Spots are personality traits and/or unhealthy behaviors that we don’t see but are often evident to others.  [...]

A little cyber hygiene stops big problems

A little cyber hygiene stops big problems

T-Mobile. Colonial Pipeline. Acer. What do they all have in common aside from being multibillion dollar companies? They’ve all been hacked in recent months due to poor cyber hygiene. As Matthew Swenson, Chief of [...]

Equity market duration and the Wizard of Oz

Equity market duration and the Wizard of Oz

Last week, Bank of America Corp.’s head of U.S. equity and quantitative strategy, Savita Subramanian, said something very interesting about the S&P 500: “The S&P 500 has essentially turned [...]

3 ways to repair a broken budget

3 ways to repair a broken budget

If you're new to budgeting, it can be tempting to just look the other way sometimes. If you’re having trouble staying within the parameters of a new budget, here are three helpful tips… Be [...]