News Archives

CUs: Represent your members by telling their stories on Capitol Hill

CUs: Represent your members by telling their stories on Capitol Hill

Looking for an opportunity to share your credit union's story in real time so lawmakers understand how burdensome regulations and other issues impact growth and day-to-day operations? Through NAFCU's revamped hybrid Congressional Caucus, offered both [...]

8 ways to insulate yourself from inflation

8 ways to insulate yourself from inflation

The first half of the year is behind us, with the market performance strong across the board.  But what about the rest of the year?  With inflation on the minds of many investors, how do [...]

Authentication and access guidance for the 21st century

Last week, the FFIEC published guidance titled Authentication and Access to Financial Institution Services and Systems (the guidance). This guidance replaces previously issued statements (think back to pre-Twitter times) regarding best practices for authenticating users [...]

Achieving the resilience advantage

Achieving the resilience advantage

Leaders need a strong mind to overcome the challenges that we face during our lives and to enable resilience. As we continue to deal with the pandemic, focusing on resilience is timely. A recent study [...]

4 ways to help your net worth

4 ways to help your net worth

Is your net worth where you want it to be? Is it straight up depressing? Younger millennials and those right out of school probably don’t have much to look at, but for the older [...]

CFPB leadership commission is ‘balanced’ approach

CFPB leadership commission is ‘balanced’ approach

CUNA joined several organizations to support bill H.R. 4773 from Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.), which would replace the director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) with a bipartisan five-member commission. CUNA is a [...]

FHFA proposes 2022-2024 housing goals

FHFA proposes 2022-2024 housing goals

Yesterday the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) proposed updated housing goals for the government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) for 2022 to 2024. The proposed housing goals ensure that the GSEs responsibly promote equitable access to affordable [...]

Board diversity and the color wheel

Board diversity and the color wheel

Board Diversity Diversity on credit union boards is a topic getting a lot of justifiable attention. I don’t know that we’re making a great deal of progress in this area, but I take [...]