News Archives

A closer look at the A in AIO

A closer look at the A in AIO

A couple of weeks ago we blogged about the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s (FFIEC) recently issued Architecture, Infrastructure, and Operations (AIO) booklet. Because of the length of the booklet, the blog examined how [...]

5 ways to excel at your job

5 ways to excel at your job

In any profession, if you're standing still, you're going to get passed. It's important to keep learning, growing, and getting stronger. Here are some you can kick your performance up a notch... Stay current: Industries [...]

Transforming the member experience

Transforming the member experience

I learned long ago that to get more you must give more. I look at service as a backstage pass with benefits that bystanders just don’t receive. I’m a soccer dad and not [...]

Safe harbor for CUs would strengthen ‘disparate impact’ rule

Safe harbor for CUs would strengthen ‘disparate impact’ rule

CUNA applauds the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for providing clarity and consistency by ensuring there is a codified discriminatory effects standard, but urges it to offer a safe harbor for policies directly [...]

How DEI can transform workplace culture – Part III

How DEI can transform workplace culture – Part III

So, your organization made a commitment to and began building a culture of inclusivity. Now what? There is still a need for a strong DEI vision, mission and strategy. I would highly recommend that you [...]

Zoomers: Banks vs. credit unions

Zoomers: Banks vs. credit unions

How do Zoomers interact with banks and credit unions? A preview of this will be given shortly, but first, let's dive into a quick recap. As we all know, much of the Zoomer population are [...]

T-Mobile & AT&T breaches: Dataprise Defense Digest

T-Mobile & AT&T breaches: Dataprise Defense Digest

Two of the biggest wireless carriers in the US have been breached, resulting in millions of records of customer information being stolen and sold on the dark web. On August 16th, T-Mobile was hacked, and [...]

DCUC develops much-needed installation guide for defense credit unions

DCUC develops much-needed installation guide for defense credit unions

DCUC, in collaboration with military service liaisons and Lightbulb Press, has created the Installation, Policy, and Operations Guide for Military Credit Unions. This guide is designed to help defense credit unions understand their responsibilities to [...]

The three Rs of executive benefits

The three Rs of executive benefits

When someone references the “three Rs,” most people think of Reading, Writing, ‘Rithmetic. History buffs may recall Relief, Recovery, Reform (Roosevelt’s New Deal), and environmentalists might think Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. For me, the three [...]