News Archives

A few ways to maximize your interchange revenue

A few ways to maximize your interchange revenue

Visa, Mastercard, Pulse, Star. Most people in the financial industry would recognize these routing networks. After all, debit card transactions are the primary payment method for our customers. Consequentially, the interchange fees associated with debit [...]

5 key habits for credit union marketing teams

5 key habits for credit union marketing teams

There’s an old proverb that goes, “The person who chases two rabbits catches neither.” Have you ever felt this way when it comes to credit union marketing? From your marketing mix to your marketing [...]

Perspectives on the credit union market

Perspectives on the credit union market

Credit Union Performance Metrics Q2 was encouraging for credit unions in a number of categories. Originations soared with 36.3% YoY growth; perhaps unsurprising given the state of the nation one year ago in Q2 [...]

A closer look at the I in AIO

A closer look at the I in AIO

Happy Monday, compliance friends! We know how much you all love a good series, so here you go! A couple of weeks ago we blogged about the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s (FFIEC) recently [...]