News Archives

Credit unions celebrate #ICUDay on social media

Credit unions celebrate #ICUDay on social media

Credit unions around the world are finding a variety of ways to recognize and celebrate International Credit Union (ICU) Day. The 73rd annual event, which started in 1948, was held on Thursday by CUNA and [...]

Keeping secrets: SAR confidentiality

Keeping secrets: SAR confidentiality

Many credit union compliance professionals are familiar with Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs). Section 748.1(c) of the NCUA regulations, and section 1020.320 of the FinCEN regulations require a credit union to file a [...]

CUNA backs bill to prohibit enhanced IRS reporting

CUNA backs bill to prohibit enhanced IRS reporting

CUNA wrote in support of a House bill Wednesday that would prohibit implementation of increased financial institution reporting to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Prohibiting IRS Financial Surveillance Act (H.R. 5586). The bill [...]

Credit unions announcing ICU Day celebrations

Credit unions announcing ICU Day celebrations

Credit unions around the world are preparing to celebrate International Credit Union (ICU) Day on Thursday, Oct. 21. The annual event, which started in 1948 and is held by CUNA and the World Council of [...]

The real cost of AWS migration services

The real cost of AWS migration services

Like any other business investment, it is easy to frame your decision to conduct an AWS migration or not by just looking at the numbers. But, as with most things in technology, while the financial [...]