News Archives

NCUA announces post-examination survey pilot program

NCUA announces post-examination survey pilot program

NCUA is piloting a new post-examination survey that will allow credit unions to provide timely feedback to the agency while helping to standardize the feedback process, according to the agency’s latest Letter to Federal [...]

Fed expected to reveal more about eventual plan to taper assets

Fed expected to reveal more about eventual plan to taper assets

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) – the Fed's monetary-policy setting arm - begins its September meeting today and is expected to hold the federal funds target rate range at its current 0 percent to 0.[...]

‘Deputize’ members in fraud fight

‘Deputize’ members in fraud fight

Fraud protection is the most important factor when consumers select a payment card, surpassing customer service, rewards, interest rates, and other factors, according to Javelin Strategy & Research. But few financial institutions provide clear and [...]

Is your loan process blindly leading borrowers?

Is your loan process blindly leading borrowers?

Loan origination systems have been transformational for banks and credit unions. They have streamlined very complex processes and combined previously siloed systems for more efficiency. And they make handling the tremendous amounts of documents required [...]

Five tips for paving the way for merger conversations

Five tips for paving the way for merger conversations

As a credit union leader, you’ve determined that proceeding with a merger is the best way to grow your financial institution. Perhaps you’ve even identified some potential merger partners. Now the question arises: [...]

3 ways to break website barriers and crush acquisition goals

3 ways to break website barriers and crush acquisition goals

The credit union experience is centered on a local, personalized member journey. And that usually starts online. At least half of all web traffic is on a mobile device and “bank near me” searches have [...]

FHFA proposes Enterprise Regulatory Capital Framework amendments

FHFA proposes Enterprise Regulatory Capital Framework amendments

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) last week released further proposed amendments to the regulatory capital framework rule for the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Additional details can be found on [...]