News Archives

Senate leaders reach a deal to push back debt ceiling deadline

Senate leaders reach a deal to push back debt ceiling deadline

Senate leaders on Thursday reached an agreement on a measure that would extend the debt ceiling until December and the Senate cleared the measure last night. The House is expected to pass the measure next [...]

$100K grant to support credit union diversity and financial health

$100K grant to support credit union diversity and financial health

The National Credit Union Foundation (the Foundation) has announced a $100,000 grant to help smaller credit unions analyze membership demographics and better understand the roles culture, race and ethnicity play in financial well-being. The [...]

Culture is key

Culture is key

Although the hard numbers in any organization show success on paper, the one aspect of a business that most leaders find difficult to imitate is a healthy, efficient, and positive organizational culture. According to a [...]

When in doubt – do nothing?

When in doubt – do nothing?

The “Global Supply Chain” has a lot in common with football’s offensive lineman. If you don’t hear an offensive lineman’s name or number come up during a game, that usually means he [...]

Trust your truth

Trust your truth

How do you bring up the conversation with senior management you’re burned out? I was asked this poignant question while facilitating a virtual webinar on boredom, burnout and blackout in the workplace. I could [...]

Schenk gives insight to Fox Business on expected mortgage increase

Schenk gives insight to Fox Business on expected mortgage increase

October rates will continue to follow recent mortgage rate spikes, CUNA Chief Economist Mike Schenk said during a recent interview with Fox Business. He added mortgage rate trends are likely to continue through October. "We [...]

NAFCU secures wins on behalf of members in 2021

NAFCU secures wins on behalf of members in 2021

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the credit union industry has seen unprecedented challenges this year. Despite the uncertainty surrounding economic recovery, NAFCU and its award winning staff have worked tirelessly to provide the industry with [...]

Communication key to understanding volunteer role

Communication key to understanding volunteer role

The first task new board or supervisory committee members must accomplish is understanding their role at the credit union. “We need to make sure whoever we have in these positions know their role and understand [...]