News Archives

Credit union marketing lies we tell

Credit union marketing lies we tell

First, let’s get on the same page about what a LIE is. A lie is an untruthful assertion in which the speaker intends to cause belief in the truth of a statement that the [...]

Issues to watch: Fall edition

Issues to watch: Fall edition

The high-wire act on Capitol Hill, encompassing infrastructure, an expanded social safety net, the federal debt ceiling and a stopgap bill to keep the government open past September 30 also features lower profile issues that [...]

Focus on the funnel

Focus on the funnel

Credit unions have traditionally viewed customer acquisition through the lens of depository products, like checking and savings accounts, while lending has typically been relegated to cross-sell products. Today, however, many banks and credit unions are [...]

How to spot burnout and mitigate it

How to spot burnout and mitigate it

Tax season is stressful and oftentimes can lead to employee burnout. Staff members who start to feel this way are likely to quit, and oftentimes they don’t wait for the end of tax season [...]

Leading from within

Leading from within

For those who read my blog consistently, you know that I’ve mentioned before, effective leadership incorporates empathizing and focusing on those in your organization. Self-serving leadership, on the other hand, undermines empathy and instead [...]

Your 2021 Halloween candy deals!

Your 2021 Halloween candy deals!

It's October 15th. Do you know where your candy is? If you haven't yet purchased enough sugary goodness to fill up your Halloween bowl, have no fear. Here are four great Amazon deals to help [...]

Meeting home contractors’ financial needs in 2022

Meeting home contractors’ financial needs in 2022

Financial professionals can support home contractors and help them achieve their construction goals. With adequate funding, individuals can reconstruct or add to their properties following a tumultuous time. In 2020, the construction industry experienced financial [...]

Diversity and inclusion: Challenge your perceptions

Diversity and inclusion: Challenge your perceptions

Imagine it’s 10pm. You hear a noise outside and open the door to find your house surrounded by armed militia. You are dragged forcefully from your home, away from your wife and young children. [...]

NCUA’s proposed CCULR of 10% too high to help majority of CUs

NCUA’s proposed CCULR of 10% too high to help majority of CUs

Any changes to risk-based capital requirements—including the proposed adoption of a complex credit union leverage ratio (CCULR)—requires a delay of the Jan. 1, 2022 RBC effective date, CUNA wrote to NCUA Thursday. CUNA [...]

Airfare prices fall as supply chain issues persist

Airfare prices fall as supply chain issues persist

On a seasonally adjusted basis, overall consumer prices rose 0.4 percent in September, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting the overall consumer price index (CPI) grew by 5.4 percent over the 12-month [...]

CFO Focus: A tale of two models

CFO Focus: A tale of two models

In 2020, most Securities and Exchange Commission-filing institutions were required to move to the new current expected credit loss, or CECL, model. Following the 2007-2008 financial crisis, the CECL model aimed to provide more timely [...]

A loss of $7,227 per ‘people problem’ per day

A loss of $7,227 per ‘people problem’ per day

In research about the cost of “people problems” published in Harvard Business Review in 2016, Tanya Menon and Leigh Thompson report that “executives estimated wasting an average of $7,227.07 per line item per [...]