News Archives

Why community development & why CDFI?

Why community development & why CDFI?

Many credit unions today are stretching to expand their community development and outreach programs. Credit unions are pursuing community development financial institution certification because of their desire to promote greater community outcomes and, of course, [...]

A cooperative spin on local marketing

A cooperative spin on local marketing

Lots of credit unions offer emergency loans, but not many include power outages among the reasons a member might need quick, interest-free help. That’s the case at Community First Credit Union ($715.7, Santa [...]

The basics of investing in municipal bonds

The basics of investing in municipal bonds

The municipal bond market is unlike any other fixed-income market in numerous ways. It’s a $4 trillion market with millions of individual bonds and credits that trade on an over-the-counter market, which means there [...]

Payments outages a scary possibility

Payments outages a scary possibility

Keeping the payments system running has always been so critical that elaborate arrangements of hardened perimeters, file back-ups, processing redundancies, frequent testing and many more such steps have been used to keep outages within acceptable [...]

Vendor risk management explained: Plan for action

Vendor risk management explained: Plan for action

What is your organization doing to protect business information against the potential threat vendors present? Setting your organization up to take a tailored approach to vendor risk management and mitigation can make your processes more [...]

Do distractions in the workplace harm employee wellbeing?

Do distractions in the workplace harm employee wellbeing?

How many credit union employees can sit down and focus on a task without distractions when they need to? Only 26%. You didn’t misread that, only 26% of credit union employees are satisfied with [...]