News Archives

Safeguarding against fraud: 5 best practices to know

Safeguarding against fraud: 5 best practices to know

Due to an increase in online shopping in 2020 and 2021, card not present fraud has grown exponentially. With more credit union staff working remote than ever before, employee fraud and business email breaches are [...]

Winning employee buy-in for a fintech strategy

Winning employee buy-in for a fintech strategy

A flood of consumers and businesses became digital converts almost overnight during the earliest days of the coronavirus pandemic. To keep up with customers’ heightened need to perform day-to-day tasks from home, financial institutions intensified [...]

Talent development: A party plus a plan

Talent development: A party plus a plan

It has been said that leading scientists grumble when it’s time to pause their research, write a paper about their most recent findings and attend a conference to share their work with their peers.  [...]

CUNA unveils 2022 conferences, events, eSchools, webinars

CUNA unveils 2022 conferences, events, eSchools, webinars

CUNA’s 2022 calendar of credit union-specific events features more than 70 face-to-face conferences, virtual conferences, eSchools and webinars. The complete list is available here, and credit unions can register here as registration becomes available. “[...]

NAFCU hosts Large Credit Union Compliance Roundtable

NAFCU hosts Large Credit Union Compliance Roundtable

NAFCU hosted a Large Credit Union Compliance Roundtable Tuesday, which brought several credit union leaders to talk about the most important issues affecting their institutions and industry. Of note, attendees of the event reviewed NCUA [...]

How customer engagement tools help support employment challenges

How customer engagement tools help support employment challenges

In this two-part series, we discuss how customer engagement tools, such as digital conversation guides, can help banks and credit unions address the current employment shortage, while also improving employee and customer satisfaction. First let’[...]