News Archives

Rep. Butterfield announces retirement

Rep. Butterfield announces retirement

Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.) announced Thursday he will not seek a tenth term in 2022. Butterfield has represented North Carolina’s 1st Congressional District since 2004 and has been supported by credit unions [...]

Collaboration on full display at NACUSO, VentureTech

Collaboration on full display at NACUSO, VentureTech

Collaboration was the keyword in Las Vegas last week as a pair of industry events coordinated their calendars to the benefit of all involved. The NACUSO Network Conference drew nearly 500 attendees, evenly split between [...]

NCUA CUSO rule changes poised to go into effect

NCUA CUSO rule changes poised to go into effect

At its October 2021 meeting, the NCUA Board finalized a rule that provides credit union service organizations (CUSOs) with more flexibility to offer loan products. Part 712 of NCUA’s regulations govern “when a federal [...]

Is a remote banker in order for the new digital age?

Is a remote banker in order for the new digital age?

The pandemic has forever changed how work gets done. Social distancing mandates forced jobs that never had a work-from-home component into that mode. Pre-COVID-19, the financial service industry as a whole had not yet embraced [...]

The most important question to ask ourselves as leaders

The most important question to ask ourselves as leaders

As leaders, it becomes difficult to measure your skills effectively without some form of self-reflection. According to a recent Inc. article by Leadership from the Core founder Marcel Schwantes, in order to reflect on where [...]

Lead with gratitude

Lead with gratitude

Heading into the holiday season, what can leaders do to support their teams, work cooperatively together, and practice gratitude? Encourage collaboration: Work is a zero-sum game. When someone gets a win or is successful, it [...]

Digital asset services at CUs would protect consumers

Digital asset services at CUs would protect consumers

Congress should look for ways enable credit unions to provide digital asset related services so these services can be properly overseen by regulators, CUNA wrote to the Joint Economic Committee. CUNA has called for similar [...]