News Archives

Robots to the rescue

Robots to the rescue

“Robots” are helping Patelco Credit Union ($8.9B, Dublin, CA) achieve new levels of efficiency in its busy mortgage processing department. That’s the term Vince Salinas and his team use to describe the autonomous [...]

CUNA concerned with NCUA’s approach to Call Report changes

CUNA concerned with NCUA’s approach to Call Report changes

CUNA is concerned with the approach NCUA has taken toward impending Call Report changes and calls on the agency to extend the comment period on the proposed changes until at least mid-January. CUNA responded to [...]

The ultimate guide to preventing ransomware

The ultimate guide to preventing ransomware

While 2020 brought about expected advancements in technology and in cyber threats, it combined that with a global pandemic that turned the world on its head. This swift change led to a growing divide between [...]

Baby steps

Baby steps

Proportionality is alive and well. This is great news for credit unions because it means regulators are seeing the importance of tailoring regulations to allow credit unions to properly serve their members. We saw this [...]