News Archives

Core processing app stores thrive on collaboration

Core processing app stores thrive on collaboration

It’s been a decade since core processors introduced their own app stores to client credit unions, and the results since then reflect the collaborative nature of the movement itself. Open Solutions introduced its DNAappstore [...]

Bill signed to fund government through Feb. 18

Bill signed to fund government through Feb. 18

Congress has passed and President Joe Biden has signed legislation funding the federal government through Feb. 18, Funding was scheduled to expire Friday at midnight. The legislation also extends the National Flood Insurance Program through [...]

Berger urges FHFA to help expand homeownership access to underserved communities

Berger urges FHFA to help expand homeownership access to underserved communities

NAFCU President and CEO Dan Berger Thursday wrote to Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Acting Director Sandra Thompson encouraging the agency to assist the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) in increasing opportunities to help underserved individuals purchase [...]

CFPB: Crackdown on overdraft policies is coming

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau intends to crack down on financial institutions that charge the largest fees for overdrafts and is considering “a wide variety of regulatory interventions” to better supervise such fees, Director Rohit [...]

How do you manage conflict?

How do you manage conflict?

Individuals tend to deal with difficult situations in different ways; and as leaders, it’s important to recognize our natural tendencies as we go about dealing with conflict in the workplace. In a recent Forbes [...]

Preparing for the death of a member

Preparing for the death of a member

Generally, people die. It happens. It’s something that we all need to prepare for. Even credit unions need to prepare for the death of its members. If a member died today, would your staff [...]