News Archives

Overdraft isn’t over

Overdraft isn’t over

Overdraft is definitely in the news. Pundits prognosticate on how overdraft is going away, and create the impression that all consumers detest overdraft and want the service to end. I have a unique perspective on [...]

Capital Corner: CFPB takes aim at overdraft programs

Capital Corner: CFPB takes aim at overdraft programs

In a move that will undoubtedly have major implications for credit unions and other financial institutions, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced plans to crack down on use of overdraft protection programs and fees [...]

Make 2022 the year of cybersecurity resolutions

Make 2022 the year of cybersecurity resolutions

It’s that time of year again when people think about their New Year’s resolutions. These typically involve losing weight, eating healthy and exercising more. While most people do not consider making resolutions around [...]

Fraud trends

Fraud trends

Account takeover (ATO) fraud is a common type of identity theft. Fraudsters gain access to victims’ accounts, and make non-monetary changes that include modifying personally identifiable information (PII), requesting a new card or adding an [...]

Three perspectives on the credit union market

Three perspectives on the credit union market

Summary of Industry Metrics Throughout the summer, lenders experienced significant YoY origination growth across numerous products, including card, auto and personal loan. Card originations soared with 124% YoY growth, while personal loan experienced ~70% origination [...]

Senate bill would prevent SBA from becoming direct lender

Senate bill would prevent SBA from becoming direct lender

Sen. Tim Scott introduced a bill to prevent the Small Business Administration from becoming a direct lender Tuesday, the Protecting Access to Credit for Small Businesses Act (S. 3382). The bill would prevent the SBA [...]

Fed to discuss pace of tapering asset purchases today

Fed to discuss pace of tapering asset purchases today

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) - the Fed’s monetary-policy setting arm – begins its final meeting of 2021 today and is expected to discuss several topics of interest to credit unions. The most anticipated [...]

Tips to make 2022 the best year yet (Part 1)

Tips to make 2022 the best year yet (Part 1)

As the credit union movement reaches the end of 2021, leaders from cooperatives large and small across the country are looking ahead to calibrate strategies for the next 12 months. With year two of the [...]

A time of need—mission side effects

A time of need—mission side effects

The holidays are a special time in the lives of most Americans. Family and friends exchange warm greetings and there is a spirit of hope for a better tomorrow. Indeed, as 2021 ends there are [...]