News Archives

How credit unions can work to identify and eliminate fraud risks

How credit unions can work to identify and eliminate fraud risks

Credit unions (CUs) have been known historically for their member-first mentality and intimate face-to-face banking model. This business structure has worked in their favor, but it also has left some CUs less prepared for the [...]

Why strong visual branding and communication are vital in banking

Why strong visual branding and communication are vital in banking

Financial institutions compete for customers’ and employee’s’ attention alongside advertisers, news outlets, social media and digital search. The pandemic only amplified the need for effective communication because it quickly shifted the points of engagement [...]

GAO: Lenders requiring appraisals when none are needed

GAO: Lenders requiring appraisals when none are needed

Lenders are obtaining appraisals in real estate transactions even when they are not required, the Government Accountability Office said in a new report. In 2018 and 2019, lenders obtained appraisals for about 85% of the [...]

Top 10 CUInsight Community posts in 2021

Top 10 CUInsight Community posts in 2021

Gratitude tends to be top-of-mind for me every December as I reflect on the year that was and dream about the year ahead. At CUInsight, we are especially grateful to be a part of the [...]


NCUA issues letter to CUs, Reg Alert

The NCUA Tuesday issued a Letter to Credit Unions encouraging participation in the agency’s voluntary Credit Union Diversity Self Assessment and a Regulatory Alert to break down the CFPB’s annual adjustments for three [...]

Coveted member data

Coveted member data

Credit union managers grappling with privacy are finding that it is at once a marketing issue, a compliance issue and a security issue. Privacy in Marketing Using vast amounts of personal data to support targeted [...]

Helping members in tornadoes’ aftermath

Helping members in tornadoes’ aftermath

Soon after a devastating line of tornadoes hit Kentucky and other states Dec. 10, credit union leaders and the Kentucky Credit Union League came together to determine how to help storm victims. “We’ve been [...]

Hold on to your hats

Hold on to your hats

It is the end of 2021, which has many of us thinking about what 2022 might look like. We are all in the midst of dealing with COVID-19, and surely our challenges next year adjusting [...]

Why omnichannel remains more retail vision than reality

Why omnichannel remains more retail vision than reality

“In stock.” Just two little words, and yet, a huge harbinger of customer joy these days as increasingly savvy digital consumers scour the web to find better prices, faster delivery or simply checking on inventory. [...]