News Archives

Our spiritual nature at work

Our spiritual nature at work

When I post quotes like this one from Michael Beckwith, “You are a singular manifestation of a cosmic unfolding and within you there is unrivaled individuality,” on LinkedIn, I have gotten DMs asking me why [...]

Firm timeline, deadlines needed for blocked call codes

Firm timeline, deadlines needed for blocked call codes

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) should require voice service providers to transition to the use of specific codes to notify callers of a blocked call, CUNA and other organizations wrote to the FCC Tuesday. This [...]

A passion to include and serve

A passion to include and serve

Joan Nelson, CUDE, has worked hard to reach the upper echelons of corporate leadership during a career spanning nearly 40 years. Nelson is VP/quote-to-cash operations for North America and Latin America at multinational tech [...]

Can credit unions “win” by gamifying banking?

Can credit unions “win” by gamifying banking?

Gamification is the strategy of adding game-like elements to non-game things. The goal is to increase engagement, and it works. It works well. If the goal is to increase member financial health and education, read [...]

Sales equals service: 3 steps to better selling

Sales equals service: 3 steps to better selling

Sales can be a scary word. No one wants to be “sold.” If you're selling, you're not serving. It doesn’t suggest active listening or problem-solving. In the stereotypical sense, the term sales tends to [...]

It’s time to take a two-pronged approach to payments growth

It’s time to take a two-pronged approach to payments growth

Despite COVID’s continued, stubborn grip on the economy, banks are pursuing and capturing new credit cardholders with aggressive marketing strategies, more lenient underwriting criteria and rich rewards, while credit unions have largely remained on [...]