News Archives

2022 product outlook for financial institutions: CPI

2022 product outlook for financial institutions: CPI

With delinquencies expected to increase as government stimulus funds dry up, financial intuitions’ net interest margins will likely continue to be squeezed. As new car sales improve, 2022 should be a solid year for collateral [...]

View from the board: DCUC continues the fight

View from the board: DCUC continues the fight

I’m not going to talk about COVID in this article.  I’m tired, real tired, with the phrase “these turbulent times” that seems to find itself in the first sentence of damn near every [...]

Empathy lays the foundation for leading a team

Empathy lays the foundation for leading a team

At this moment, the most important soft skill for credit union leaders is empathy. According to Oracle, Workplace Intelligence, 70% of the global workforce says the past year has been the most stressful year of [...]

How AI enables more inclusive lending

How AI enables more inclusive lending

A Broken Credit System Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) present a unique opportunity for credit unions to contribute to a fairer, more inclusive financial system. Unfortunately, the traditional credit model perpetuates bias and [...]

Personal loans, credit cards lead loan growth in December

Personal loans, credit cards lead loan growth in December

Credit union loans outstanding increased 1.0% in December, compared to a 0.6% increase in November of 2021 and a 0.2% increase in December of 2020, according to CUNA’s latest Monthly Credit [...]


NCUA agenda covers asset thresholds, PCA, more

The NCUA Board next week is set to issue an interim final rule (IFR) on prompt corrective action (PCA), as well as propose a rule regarding asset threshold for determining the appropriate supervisory office. Also [...]

Defense Matters, advocacy, and member value

Defense Matters, advocacy, and member value

Advocacy is the heart of a successful trade association. Conferences, social media, and community outreach are also important. However, without advocacy, membership simply resembles another social club. And just as exercise, diet, and sleep are [...]

Texts and bona fide errors under Regulation F

Texts and bona fide errors under Regulation F

Last month, we blogged about emails and bona fide errors under Regulation F. Regulation F provides similar treatment for text messages and bona fide errors. Under section 813(c) of the Fair Debt Collection Practices [...]

5 ways banks & credit unions must mitigate risks and losses in 2022

5 ways banks & credit unions must mitigate risks and losses in 2022

Innovation, employee experience and evolving consumer preferences are changing the financial services landscape. This includes the way financial products and services are delivered. Many banks and credit unions are exploring ways in which third-party relationships [...]