News Archives

Everything you need to know about YouTube TV

Everything you need to know about YouTube TV

Cable is out. Streaming is in. You’ve probably heard your Gen Z or Millennial kids say as much. It goes something like this. “Cable’s gotten too expensive, we’re gonna cancel and do [...]

How women can find empowerment through financial health

How women can find empowerment through financial health

A few years ago, Sharita, a single mother with three children, was homeless and living in a motel after being evicted. “At the time, I was living paycheck-to-paycheck and had no savings, and my credit [...]

Video is vital for marketers in 2022

Video is vital for marketers in 2022

Over the last decade marketers have been forced to pivot marketing strategies as media channels and platforms have diversified. Not long ago we were in an analog world, but now in the digital-era media consumption [...]

Putting on your “red cape”

Putting on your “red cape”

By now you have read the title of this article and may be wondering – what does she mean by “red cape?” Red represents love, passion, and intensity. Red calls us to action, motivates us, and [...]

Landmark FOM bill introduced in wake of CUNA GAC

Landmark FOM bill introduced in wake of CUNA GAC

The CUNA/League-supported Expanding Financial Access for Underserved Communities Act was introduced by House Financial Services Committee Chair Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., Wednesday. The bill would be the first significant overhaul of the Federal Credit [...]

Crashing in a word: Rollercoaster

Crashing in a word: Rollercoaster

There is a lot that I could say about my experience Crashing the GAC. I had incredible highs as I got to know the amazing group of 50+ Crashers from across the country and learn [...]

Top 5 fraud trends for 2022

Top 5 fraud trends for 2022

Digital acceleration has transformed the way consumers spend and has had a major impact on how credit unions engage with their members. Digital is also serving as the primary catalyst for an evolving payments fraud [...]

Actionable feedback is critical in developing leaders

Actionable feedback is critical in developing leaders

High-performing organizations need high-performing people, and people need feedback to fully develop into high performers. In our work with financial institutions, we have found that leaders are often unaware of how they are coming across [...]

5 questions to ask if you’re considering an escrow account

5 questions to ask if you’re considering an escrow account

Purchasing a home can be both exciting and overwhelming. You have to make so many decisions—and sign so many documents! Whether you’re a first-time or seasoned homebuyer, you’ll likely consider the option [...]