News Archives

Cyber attacks – are you ready?

Cyber attacks – are you ready?

Since the invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. federal government has been monitoring potential increased vulnerabilities for U.S. businesses and infrastructure. So far, the attacks have been focused on Russia and Ukraine including denial [...]

Effectively combating home appraisal bias

Effectively combating home appraisal bias

Over the past two years of the pandemic, we’ve seen heightened scrutiny from Congress and regulators regarding discrimination in the home appraisal process. While multiple factors have led to such scrutiny – including the inability [...]

NCUA issues CDRLF report to Congress

NCUA issues CDRLF report to Congress

NCUA released its 2021 Community Development Revolving Loan Fund (CDRLF) Report to Congress, highlighting the fund’s significant and positive impact on credit unions, their members, and their communities. A complete list of grant and [...]

House committee hearing discusses concerns around overdraft fees

House committee hearing discusses concerns around overdraft fees

The House Financial Services Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Financial Institutions Thursday held a hearing on the rise of financial institutions’ elimination of overdraft fees. Of note, Paul Kundert, President and CEO of University of [...]

Moving toward mobile maturity

Moving toward mobile maturity

If credit unions are not already building mobile strategies, there’s no question that they’re putting themselves at risk of losing members. According to Business Insider Intelligence’s Mobile Banking Competitive Edge Study, 89% [...]

Repeat offenders beware … the CFPB is looking at you

Repeat offenders beware … the CFPB is looking at you

Earlier this week, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Rohit Chopra delivered a seemingly innocent speech regarding repeat offenders to a law school. Focusing on repeat offenders is a priority of the CFPB under Director [...]

Winning leadership in March and beyond

Winning leadership in March and beyond

It’s the best time of the year! College basketball and March Madness© bring us the greatest tournament in the world! The highs, the lows, the peaks, the valleys, the triumph and the heart-wrenching agony [...]

The four most common organizational challenges

The four most common organizational challenges

As leaders, it’s important to recognize the issues your organization faces that hinder it from becoming more successful. In doing so, you’ll be able to get ahead of the curve and create a [...]

3 reasons people like paying overdraft fees

3 reasons people like paying overdraft fees

In the world of finances, the two most reviled words are almost certainly “overdraft fee”. Getting an overdraft fee is adding insult to injury, punishing you for paying with money you didn’t have in [...]