News Archives

Meeting members’ digital needs and expectations

Meeting members’ digital needs and expectations

While the payments industry and consumer preferences continue to evolve, one trend has remained consistent: Consumers not only want, but expect, innovative digital offerings and solutions from their trusted financial partners. In fact, according to [...]

CUNA Credit Union Board Roundtable provides invaluable peer networking

CUNA Credit Union Board Roundtable provides invaluable peer networking

CUNA Credit Union Board Roundtable, Sept. 10-11 in Scottsdale, Ariz., provides an engaged, interactive environment for board members to connect with peers, speakers and industry leaders from across the country. “The ability to collaborate with [...]

IMF warns likelihood of additional supply chain bottlenecks

IMF warns likelihood of additional supply chain bottlenecks

The International Monetary Fund Tuesday released its latest assessment of the world economy, suggesting the global economic outlook has "worsened significantly" since January – largely due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. In addition, higher inflation leading [...]

Weeding through the details of MRB banking

Weeding through the details of MRB banking

Let’s be blunt, talking cannabis business and banking is still often perceived as taboo by many but it should be far from off limits when considering risk amongst financial institutions. Part of the uncertainty [...]

Four ways to turn mergers into partnerships

Four ways to turn mergers into partnerships

“Mergers.” They can sound cold, and there’s a tendency to treat credit union mergers like business deals without any deeper meaning to them. But what if I told you it didn’t have to [...]

CFPB’s report on credit card late fees

A few weeks ago, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) published a report reviewing the trends in credit card late fees over the last few years. CFPB Director Chopra says, “many credit card issuers have [...]

Faces in the crowd

Faces in the crowd

I've served the National Credit Union Foundation at The Foundation Dinner, its signature fundraising event during CUNA’s Governmental Affairs Conference where our industry's finest are honored during the Herb Wegner Memorial Awards, in two [...]