News Archives

Final flood Q&As reflect CUNA-sought clarifications

Final flood Q&As reflect CUNA-sought clarifications

NCUA and other federal financial regulators issued a joint rule finalizing significant changes to Flood Insurance Questions and Answers made by the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 and the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability [...]

House passes Fair Hiring in Banking Act

House passes Fair Hiring in Banking Act

The House Wednesday passed H.R. 5911, the Fair Hiring in Banking Act, by a 329-88 vote. The bill, originally introduced by Senator Joe Manchin, D-W.Va. and led in the House by Rep. Joyce [...]

CFO Focus: Why use multiple CECL models?

CFO Focus: Why use multiple CECL models?

As we continue marching towards final adoption of the Fair Accounting Standards Board’s ASC-326 (a.k.a., current expected credit loss, or CECL for short) in January 2023, community banks and credit unions are [...]