News Archives

Cryptocurrency and credit unions: Where to start?

Cryptocurrency and credit unions: Where to start?

If you’re like most of us, you find cryptocurrency a bit… well, cryptic. While we’re intrigued, we’re also uncertain—and even moreso after the recent crypto crash. Credit unions have been watching [...]

Credit union website design tips for a trusted brand

Credit union website design tips for a trusted brand

Word of mouth is said to be the most valuable type of advertising. And given ever-tightening marketing budgets, credit unions cannot afford to lose this avenue to get the word out. What does that have [...]

Reframing the homeownership journey: The first step

Reframing the homeownership journey: The first step

More than ever before, homebuying has become an increasingly stressful process. What should end in joy; moving into new, cozy surroundings and getting a fresh start, can instead feel like a parade of pain and [...]

Credit union leaders meet with Congressional Black Caucus

Credit union leaders meet with Congressional Black Caucus

Leaders from CUNA, the Illinois Credit Union League, Faith-Based Credit Union Alliance, Inclusiv, and CUNA Mutual Group, met with leaders from the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) in Chicago. The groups discussed the importance of financial [...]

Vehicle sales fell to lowest level of calendar year in May

Vehicle sales fell to lowest level of calendar year in May

Total vehicle sales fell from 14.5 million annualized units in April to 12.7 million annualized units in May; monthly sales levels were down 24.8 percent year over year. NAFCU Chief Economist and [...]

The value of the rainbow market

The value of the rainbow market

Keynoting Friday’s CU Pride Leadership Conference, both the chair of the board of the National Credit Union Administration and a regional VP at Visa encouraged program participants to keep on with their work to [...]

Help members avoid QR code scams

Help members avoid QR code scams

The latest edition of First Line of Defense™ raises the alarm on two key kinds of fraud and how to spot them: quick response code scams and car wrap scams. QR Code Fraud While quick [...]