News Archives

House passes bill that would increase FOM options

House passes bill that would increase FOM options

The House on Wednesday passed legislation that would, among other things, allow all federal credit unions to expand their fields of membership to serve underserved areas. Voting 215-207, the House passed H.R. 2543—legislation [...]

The difference between how and why

The difference between how and why

The Brooklyn Nets were a heavy favorite to win it all in the NBA playoffs this year. Emphasis on “were.” They’re currently sitting at home and have been since they lost to the Boston [...]

Credit unions need to go Alpha

Credit unions need to go Alpha

It is no secret that credit unions are missing out on intergenerational relationships. The average age of credit union members continues to hover around 47. Research tells us that 60% of adult children do not [...]

House passes bill modernizing credit union fields of membership

House passes bill modernizing credit union fields of membership

The House passed the CUNA-League-led Expanding Financial Access for Underserved Communities Act Wednesday as part of a larger financial services bill. CUNA, Leagues, credit unions, and system partners strongly support the bill, and engaged House [...]

Faith fuels credit union calling

Faith fuels credit union calling

At a bank where Suzette Cowell used to work, loan applications from two Toledo, Ohio, ZIP codes were automatic rejections. Now, Cowell leads a credit union located in one of those ZIP codes. As CEO/[...]

5 ways banks need to engage Gen Z and Millennials

5 ways banks need to engage Gen Z and Millennials

It’s easy to conclude that every generation experiences the same growing pains: adolescence into adulthood; post-college into the challenge of simultaneously navigating a family and career. But many generational experts concede that members of [...]

Could you sell this pencil?

Could you sell this pencil?

For years, credit union training and community bank training has emphasized features and benefits, features and benefits, features and benefits (repetition intentional). In reality, staff are much better equipped when they receive training related to [...]