News Archives

Navigating an unpredictable future

Navigating an unpredictable future

As leaders, we learn to expect the unexpected. As life happens and new obstacles present themselves, we have to learn to assess, adapt, and reassess. However, this takes time and practice. When we learn that [...]

Four winning plays for connecting with members

Four winning plays for connecting with members

Credit unions have long nurtured a deep trust with members. Historically, that trust has been difficult for even the most formidable opponent to duplicate. Difficult, yet not impossible. In fact, research shows that the investments [...]

CUNA board, CFPB Director Chopra talk credit union priorities

CUNA board, CFPB Director Chopra talk credit union priorities

The CUNA Board of Directors hosted Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Rohit Chopra Wednesday to discuss credit union priorities and how the bureau can support credit unions in their mission to promote financial well-being [...]

HFSC drops NAFCU-opposed Overdraft Protection Act from markup

HFSC drops NAFCU-opposed Overdraft Protection Act from markup

The House Financial Services Committee pulled the NAFCU-opposed Overdraft Protection Act during its rescheduled markup Wednesday. NAFCU has long advocated against the bill, as it would significantly limit overdraft protection programs and the ability to [...]

CFPB poised to shake up competition for consumers

CFPB poised to shake up competition for consumers

Several initiatives by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau seem poised to increase competition between credit unions and fintech companies. An effort to regulate nonbanks has gained support from credit unions. Still, the CFPB’s plan [...]

Financial Inclusion Mortgage boosts home access

Financial Inclusion Mortgage boosts home access

Purchasing a home is the biggest, most challenging step into the financial mainstream for many consumers. Carolina Foothills Federal Credit Union’s Financial Inclusion Mortgage for First Time Homebuyers makes the step much easier for [...]

Top tech skills every credit union needs today

Top tech skills every credit union needs today

Consumer enthusiasm for technology is growing – but they don’t necessarily think about it that way. Instead, of “technology,” consumers want … Immediate access to the products and services they need. The convenience to manage their [...]

4 ways to combat rising gas prices

4 ways to combat rising gas prices

Thanks to recent world events, gas prices have skyrocketed. In Rochester alone, the price of gasoline has risen to over $4 a gallon, with no signs of going down any time soon. The result is [...]