News Archives

Tips for summertime fun

Tips for summertime fun

In a rut? Here are 13 ideas to help make the most of your summer... You’re ready to take advantage of the warm summer months that feel like freedom — especially after the challenging couple [...]

Approps markups, housing hearings scheduled this week

Approps markups, housing hearings scheduled this week

The House will hold a committee work week with no activity on the floor. The Senate will process several executive and judicial nominations. The House Appropriations Committee is expected to mark up the FY23 State, [...]

New home sales ‘rebound modestly’ in May

New home sales ‘rebound modestly’ in May

New home sales grew 10.7 percent in May to 696,000 annualized units, while April saw an upward revision of 38,000 units. Compared to last year, May sales were 5.9 percent lower. [...]

Video: Cryptocurrency applications

Video: Cryptocurrency applications

Whether credit union leaders decide to offer or forgo cryptocurrency services, ignoring crypto isn’t an option, says Lamont Black, associate professor of finance at DePaul University. “You must do your due diligence,” says Black, [...]

Credit union leaders convene in Chicago

Credit union leaders convene in Chicago

The CUNA Board of Directors had a great meeting this week in Chicago as we took stock of what the CUNA-League system has accomplished this year and made plans to capitalize on our momentum. Board [...]