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CUInsight Minute with Alyssa Angurio – July 1, 2022

CUInsight Minute with Alyssa Angurio – July 1, 2022

Welcome to the CUInsight Minute, sixty seconds from our Community and Marketing Coordinator Alyssa Angurio with our favorite reads from the week. Mentioned: One growth strategy your credit union marketing is missing by BO MCDONALD, [...]

3 tips for saving gas

3 tips for saving gas

What's that smell? Something stinks! Oh ... it's the price of gas. I live in SC and I'll admit we haven't had it quite as bad as some other states, but it's still a drag. In [...]

Credit unions exist to serve members in all market conditions

Credit unions exist to serve members in all market conditions

CUNA wrote to the House Financial Services Committee Wednesday on several legislative proposals for its hearing on the long-term impact of high housing costs. “High prices and a low number of homes on the market [...]

Digital alternatives a necessary solution for the underbanked

Digital alternatives a necessary solution for the underbanked

According to the Federal Reserve, approximately 63 million Americans are either underbanked or unbanked. For the underbanked, specifically, even if they are a customer or credit union member they rarely if ever do business with [...]

3 post-pandemic trends in digital banking

3 post-pandemic trends in digital banking

The trend of moving to digital transactions that started during the pandemic shows no signs of slowing down. In the first quarter of 2022 alone, digital active users at Bank of America alone grew to [...]

Enhancing your disputes management strategy

Enhancing your disputes management strategy

The number of fraud and non-fraud disputes, or chargebacks, has spiked significantly in recent years, causing substantial processing delays and increased cardholder dissatisfaction. Mercator Advisory Group estimates that the number of disputes will rise to [...]

Make your CU website pay: getting to know your members

Make your CU website pay: getting to know your members

Your credit union’s website isn’t just a glowing brochure; it should be the hub of your marketing, an engine for growth, and a no-brainer investment, that makes a big difference in the bottom [...]